--> Name the Blue: suggest a fun blue name that goes well with Tickled Pink.
--> Like Baby Dipper on Facebook
--> Follow Baby Dipper on Twitter
--> Subscribe to Baby Dipper's newsletter
--> Suggest a new retailer (online or brick & mortar) for the Baby Dipper bowl(NOT the big national stores - believe me, I'm doing what I can on those!)
Please leave a separate post for each entry (even if you already like or follow Baby Dipper) and be sure to leave contact information as well as your Facebook name or Twitter ID (for those two entries).
The winner of the contest will receive a Baby Dipper bowl set of her/his choice of color. The contest will end on Friday, December 9, at midnight CT.
Thanks in advance for all of your help!
bashful blue for the blue
anjellfire at gmai ldot com
like Baby Dipper on facebook as Brooke Schwaderer
anjellfire at gmail dot com
follow on twitter as @AnjellfireJoy
anjellfire at gmail dot com
I follow Baby Dipper on Twitter (BlackRoseDe)
subscribe to newsletter
anjellfire at gmail dot com
suggestion for retailer
anjellfire at gmail dot com
Blue Balou :)
psalms673 at gmail dot com
Electric Blue
I like Baby Dipper on FB.
I hope this is open to us Canucks??
I like Baby Dipper on Facebook (Denise Snyder-Scarbrough)
I like you on Facebook
shorti651 at gmail dot com
"Little Bowl Blue"
(a play on Little Boy Blue)
shorti651 at gmail dot com
Babbling blue!!
"Out of the Blue"
anita dot truck at gmail dot com
I like Baby Dipper on FB as Addison Kat
anita dot truck at gmail dot com
bashful baby blues
True Blue! Goes so nicely with Tickled Pink :)
"Why So Blue?" as name for new blue bowl.
Have you tried Kid to Kid consignment stores? They have some new product they showcase near the register in addition to their consignment items.
I like baby dipper on Facebook as Sonya Troyer Ward
Beaming blue
shannonsweep at gmail dot com
Like you on fb as Shannons Funpage
shannonsweep at gmail dot com
twitter follower MikeAWife
shannonsweep at gmail dot com
Pacific Blue
I like Baby Dipper on Facebook.
I follow you on Twitter.
Would love to see these sold at this store:
La Petit Boutique
Hwy. 70 East
Frenchman's Creek Shopping Ctr.
Kinston, NC 23504
My Favorites:
-- True Blue
-- Out of the Blue
-- Over the Blue Moon
-- Little Bowl Blue is so cute!
-- Blues Clues
-- Blue Whisper
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