Monday, May 10, 2010

Piggy Paint for cute toes and fingers

I would like to take a moment to let you know about a fabulous new product for children that has nothing to do with feeding them. Piggy Paint is the invention of Melanie Hurley, another mom who was looking for a product for her kids. As with the Baby Dipper bowl, when she wasn't able to find a satisfactory product, she created her own. Piggy Paint is water-based, so it is non-toxic, virtually odorless, hypoallergenic, and doesn't contain any of the things that could be bad for your children like formaldehyde, toluene, phthalates, Bisphenol-A, ethyl acetate and acetone. All of the details are available at the Product Information page.

So, that's the basics, but the fun stuff comes with first picking out a color and then with the painting of little toenails and fingernails. We tried out Forever Fancy (below), which is a bright pink color, much to the delight of Greta and Cora, my 5 1/2-year-old twin girls. We did learn the hard way that Piggy Paint isn't kidding when they say to apply 2-3 thin coats of polish. Our first try, I only put on one coat and after making sure it was dry (which doesn't take long at all!), they took their bath. Well, let's just say that Mommy needed to redo their nails after the bath. I also learned that Piggy Paint dries better using a hairdryer set on low for about one minute.

Lesson learned and the next painting was in the morning with 2 coats, which worked out much better. Let me clarify that my daughters are rough on their fingers and fingernails. They really enjoy playing with rocks, sticks, dirt, and digging in the sandbox. These activities are not friendly to any type of nail polish, so their Forever Fancy pink fingernails were not forever fancy after all. I do think that if they hadn't played so hard the polish would've lasted much longer. Their toenails fared much better than the fingernails.

As a "control" for our experiment, I painted my own toenails with the Piggy Paint. As I type this post three weeks later, they still look marvelous. And that was with only one coat of Forever Fancy! Clearly, I'm much gentler on my toenails than Cora and Greta are on their fingernails. :o)

You can purchase your Piggy Paint directly on their web site. Through June 30, you can use the code "Piggy15" for 15% off on the Piggy Paint website. You can also find retailers for Piggy Paint by entering your zip code on the Retailers page.

Be sure to follow Piggy Paint on Twitter and on Facebook for news and special offers!

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